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Research Center For Multiple, Sexual Orgasms 
where you can find the ultimate solutions for Tao of Love and Rejuvenation.

Based upon "Resonant Excitation Of Sexual Orgasms - Tao Of Love Coupling"
by Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE, a bridge between the Eastern Taoism Sexuality and the Western Engineering Science.==> [ORDERING THE BOOK]< =>[Why?]
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Warning: This is NOT an XXX Website, But we deal with Multiple, Sexual Orgasms and Impotence!
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Case Study -> Sexual ChiKong Works! My book will give him and his girl(S) for more sexual orgasm, multiple orgasms!
Reader: 11/27/1998>
Hi professor:

very excited to find your site.
I am a computer programmer in China Telecom. and I am also a fanatic of Taoism sex Kongfu.
and I have also Learned most of the theory of Taoism . I am also practiced the Kongfu you said in your theory(Chinese version,Maybe someone else in China steal your theory). and I feel it really work.But I have not seen your original book.
The question is:
It is a research institute or a company that you stay.
How can I get the book? Can I get it for free and I can mail my book(Chinese book) to you for exchange.

Dr. Lin:11/30/1998>
Glad to hear my Sexual ChiKong (QiKung) work for you. So far, nobody complains about Sexual ChiKong. The most important aspects of Sexual ChiKong are 1). to channel the male sexual energy back to the spinal cord and brain by holding a pressure against the bladder and periodically contracting the tail-bone muscle (squeezing his butts together) during intercourse and love thrusting, and 2). to focus the female sexual energy to the G-spot and Epicenter at the same time by periodically or constantly contracting the vaginal muscle. In this way, the man will balloon his penis to an extreme and hold his ejaculation back and the woman will achieve orgasm very easily.
This will make the lady come first and the man hold ejaculation back. Thus, the lady can come more than one times in one love session.
The Sexual ChiKong for men is called Tai-Chi Yin-Kong; for women, Tai-Chi Yang-Kong. My sexual kungfu will Harmonize Yin and Yang sexual powers, so that the man won't get tired after intercourse, even ejaculation. I don't think any body has this thought of how to make women come more than one time in one night. In particularly, there is nobody mentioning my 2-point and 3-point Excitation Methods and Finger Pliers Method in the history. These methods are the keys for women to come in a short time. In addition, I am the first one to tell loving couples that women need a high stimulation speed and pressure when sexual intercourse is a routine work.
I invoke the wave mechanics theory to deal with sexual orgasm and the bioelectric theory to deal with sexual problems and sexual response. I have linked the Taoism Sexuality to the engineering science. In my book, I teach loving couples how to "Control" your Automatic Nervous System for sexual orgasms and erection/engorgement. The most important issue for men after midlife is holding an erection. My book addresses how to switch the control from the sympathetic nervous division to the parasympathetic nervous division, that is also associated with the Chinese concept of the Kidney Yin and Yang Chi (Qi), for prolonging the erection/engorgement.
Well, the book contains much more than sexual orgasm.
You will find a lot of applications of physical principles to sex in the book.

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Any love problems, Ask the black-belt Sexual ChiKong(KungFu) Master, Dr. Lin. FREE! 

Yes, I want to talk to Dr. Lin, lovebug@actionlove.com(click here). 
Copyright (C) since 1997 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved.