Pelvic Pain
is a result of  the pelvic/prostate/clitoris/vaginal/uterine/cervix/bladder anxiety  that induces excessive inflammatory hormone production and  frequent urinary urgency. It is a vegal/parasympathetic, serotonin and GABA nervous control disorder and androgen hormonal deficiency. Androgen hormones are essential to keep vegal and parasympathetic nerves recharging. And the serotonin and GABA nervous control helps the parasympathetic nervous function dominating over the sympathetic nervous function and reduces the hypothalamic and drenal dopamine-norepinpehrine conversion.   The pelvic,  prostate, bulbourethral glands, clitoris, vaginal, uterine, cervix, and bladder are the "South-Most" point of the vegal nerve in the body.  The nervous disorders causes norepinephrine-induced  inflammatory hormone production around the  alpha and beta adrenergic receptors of the sympathetic nerves.

Solution for Pelvic Pains: Avoid workout or heavy duty exercises; instead,  have a 60-minute walk every day. Stop taking sport supplements and  Caffeine drink.  Massage the tenderness points where the nerves are inflammatory. Massage induces endorphin blood circulation for healing and take our ViaPal-hGH formula with Pinealtonin to help your boost your androgen hormone production, improve your cholinergic/vegal/parasympathetic/serotonin/GABA nervous function, reduce your sympathetic nervous fires and the induced stress and inflammatory hormone production, and improve your blood circulation.  When the inflammatory tenderness goes away,  you get healed.

For men, regulation of ejaculation frequency can avoid the pelvic and testicular pains. Excessive ejaculation is as bad as semen retention since both extreme practices can trigger autoimmune inflammatory responses. We have discussed excessive sex/over-ejaculation induced autoimmune inflammation, but we can not ignore what semen or/and sperm retention can do to your body. If you don't ejaculate for a long time, the accumulative semen will inflame the seminal vesicles and exert a pressure against your prostate, bulbourethral glands and tailbone for pelvic pains, and the accumulative sperms in the testicles will fill up your seminiferous tubules, rete testis, epididymis and vas deferens, leading to forced opening of the blood-testis barrier to allow sperms and their antigens to seep through into the adjacent blood vessels where sperms and their antigen trigger autoimmune inflammation and pains.  Long-term sperm retention causes blue balls, or disables the testicular sperm production mechanism and then slows down the testicular testosterone and DHT synthesis. Vasectomy patients can usually experience these problems as described in 
Young physician / medical doctors' 12 year sexual exhaustion symptoms with ejaculating 1-2 times per day since age 10: severe eye floaters, photophobia, eye burning, neck/back pain/stiffness, IBS, abdominal/pelvic pains, and depression/anxiety for no more sexual orgasm.

He said 'Dr.Lin, So far your advise has helped me out. Many areas have had improvements. You were right about the seminal retention,' Why can semen or sperm retention cause pelvic pains, blue balls, testicular pains, prostate pains, frequent urination, sleeping disorders, short temper, anxiety, stress and premature ejaculation?
Penile Enlargement stretching and jelqing with Kegel/PC muscle exercises have damaged his penis and gave tingling pain around the groins, penile shaft and testicles, deformed the penis into an hour-glass shape for erectile dysfunction and anxiety. Why does repetitive damage by penile Penile Enlargement stretching and jelqing turn the erectile tissues into scars?

Breakup induced over-masturbation, over-ejaculation and porn addiction result in sexual exhaustion symptoms - inflammatory Pain (in the brain, back bone, groin, leg, abdominal, liver area, tailbone, penis, testicle, prostate area, and joints), ejaculation pain, semen leakage, unwanted discharge, low sperm count, watery ejaculation, inflammatory penile veins, impotence, premature ejaculation, blurry vision, buzzing ears, dry skin, memory loss, numbness, burning sensation, panic attack, frequent urination urgency, incontinence, anxiety, depression, rapid heart beat, short breath, cold penis, hypertension, mood swing, lost confidence, insomnia, and chronic fatigue symptoms.
Antidepressant causes his testicular and penile shrinkage, testosterone and semen deficiency, perineum burning pains and inflammation, insomnia, and no libido - no more sexual orgasm.
His 7 month experiemental results with Finasteride: loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, impotence, low sperm ejaculation, testicular pains, low back pain, and pelvic pain. ==>

Case Study:  Why orgasm induced her pelvic pains for no sexual orgasm, with a vibrator. (We will continue adding cases for this special topics: Pelvic Pains for men and women)
Reader: 01/14/2006>

Just recently, I am having a sharp pain on the right hand side of my pevis when I am at the pinniacle of an orgasm. I am using a vibrator, and have been using a vibrator for some time now, but have never experienced pain when I orgasm. I don't use it everyday, but mabye 1-3 x's a week. I am wondering what you can tell me about this, and what is wrong? Please Help. 

Dr. Lin: 1/14/2006>

Your body has changed and degraded to the condition with an excessively induced prostaglandin E-2 production and a lack of the housekeeping hormone prostaglandin E-1. You can no longer take too much orgasm unless you can reduce prostaglandin E-2 release and enhance prostaglandin E-1 synthesis for healing and restoration. Your condition will get worse.
The pains were caused by the muscular vibration/contraction and chemical deficiency while the local pelvic tissues can not produce enough prostaglandin E-1 for the flexibility and elasticity due to a lack of serotonin, acetylcholine, and androgen hormones (DHEA/androstenedione/testosterone/DHT), while excessive prostaglandin E-2 release were produced by the muscular contraction, excessive epinephrine and cortisol release upon orgasm due to a lack of parasympathetic/serotonin nervous modulation in the adrenal medulla and cortex, and a lack of serotonin and androgen hormones (DHEA/androstenedione/testosterone/DHT) in the local tissue, or/and by the tissue and nervous fatigue as a result of chronic use of a vibrator.
The problem have been well-documented in 

Dr. Lin's Theory: Vacuum-Cupping Massage improves the local blood circulation, decongest
s the blockage, and stimulates the Cutaneous Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Adrenal (CHPA) function for the release of prostaglandin E1, ß-endorphin and melanocyte-stimulating hormone for anti-inflammation and relaxation.

He said ' I have taken your products for prostate pain and had great success with your products and advice' what products or packages to improve sperm production and to assist her to get pregnancy
He said 'At the moment I am using the Viagrowth IV, which I find fantastic product so within 15 days when you start with clomiphene treatment, when tearing down again with all the viapal p. So I will keep you good news of recovery' Solution for sexual exhaustion symptoms, finasteride side effects, and hypothyroidism, including fatigue, depression, body coldness, hair loss, blurred vision, photosensitivity, ringing ears, back pain, genital and pelvic numbness, zero libido, bowel movement and urinary incontinence, prostatitis, penile shrinkage, premature ejaculation and Gynecomastia
He said ' You and your products are making a big difference in the world.'  release of his prostate and perineun pains. the side effects of antibiotics: allergy and asthma by over-stimulating the master cells and promoting the liver enzyme aromatic amino acid decarboxylase action, for excessive histidine-histamine conversion and prostaglandin D2 production.
He said ' sence I have taken the products,I have more energy,happier,ejaculation better,no headaches. ' with MoodMax and ViaGrowth-III. Solution for penile curvature correction
He said ' all i have to say is that viadopa works very well! yesterday i felt tired and drained and then took about 75% of a viadopa pill and felt like superman i had so much energy and strength it was crazy '
He said '..Right now I am on the ViaPal-hGH-E,,, Results so far: I have been sleeping better in general...Last week I had sexual relations for the first time in 6 or 8 months,.... it was not as fatiguing as in the past, I think the floaters in my right eye are greatly reduced. My anxiety level is lower. The fatigue in my heart (connected the anxiety and discomfort in the body, especially with mild pain or tension in the right groin and penis) is less... Also the hyper-sensitivity to loud or startling sounds and bright lights has improved,..'
He said 'I took your advice and felt better and better' with ViaGrowth-III and Ginseng 4X+ for over-masturbation induced sexual exhaustion symptoms including frequent urination, stomach cramps, penile shrinkage, weak erection, penile pains, testicular pains, tailbone pain, legs pain, and  feet pain; how to troubleshoot persistent sexual arousal and pornography addiction
He said 'I have been taking treatment for 1 month. I have noticed a big reduction in pain in my groin area, which occurred usually when i was sitting down' Don't use pornography to overheat your brain for inflammatory responses.
He said ' Great news! Passed my drug test, no problems!... MoodMax has worked amazingly!' how to solve the over-masturbation induced hip and joint pains (arthritis) and to increase the urinary flow for more sexual orgasm
He said 'I have been using the Via-pal-hgh-p and pineal tonin for almost 2 weeks. pains near the anus while sitting for a long time has been considerably reduced . similarly the pains in the calf muscles are also reduced. no fatigue has been felt.' how to rejuvenate an exhausted, stressed body for better health and sexual orgasm
He said ' my pain in the groins have disappeared and i have been taking it for 12 days.' what will be the after-effects next? Penile enlargement, semen production, hard erection and better libido and sexual orgasm
She said 'I was on some pills for inflammation after intercourse (I cant remember what you prescribed to me) and the pills worked.' for better sexual orgasm without post-intercourse pains, Dyspareunia or vaginismus
He said 'Well It's been one month on Viapal-hgh-p and it feels great no more orgasmic pains, orgasms improving and erections feel better. I accidentally had sex 2 times, but with ejaculation no pains, great product.' how to beat the daytime work stress for more sexual orgasm.
He said 'Ive been taking via-pal-hgh-j and penisos+5htp for a few weeks now and my symptoms of kidney and testicle pain are getting better. Also my urine is getting more clear, and has less oily bubbles in it.'  for restoration of sexual orgasm. On inflammation and semen/precum leakage

Sexual exhaustion symptoms: grey hair, testicular pain, penile pain, prostate pain, ejaculation pain, liver pain, spleen pain, precum leakage, frequent wet dream, pelvic pain, erectile dysfunction, tiredness and no concentration.
Female sexual exhaustion symptoms by chronic over-masturbation: back pain, pelvic pain, vaginal discharge, hair loss, chronic fatigue  for no more orgasm
Starting masturbation at 12 results in Blurry vision, frequent urination, pelvic pain, weak libido, eye floaters....
Having multiple orgasms / ejaculation a day for 17 years results in sexual exhaustion symptoms -fatigue, dizziness, frequent urination, eye floaters, burry vision, irritability, high blood pressure, anxiety, premature ejaculation, inflammatory pains and cramps, and no sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation have given him typical sexual exhaustion symptoms including chronic body pain, eye floaters, dizziness, memory loss, frequent urination, pelvic pain, testicular pain, penile pain and numbness
Marijuana smoking with chronic masturbation results in severe back pain, pelvic pains, sexual dysfunction, irritable bowel syndromes, and urinary incontinence. Solution: silence HLA-B27, inflammatory cytokines and COX-2 gene expression
under influence of marijuana, dextroamphetamine and amphetamine, he over-masturbated and over-ejaculated 4 times in a half hour, resulting in sharp penile pain, prostate /perineum pain, brain burning out with dizzy vision and a feeling of disillusion, completely penile numbness, sexual exhaustion, varicose and spider veins, eye floaters and blurry vision
Birth control pills disabled her hypothalamus-pituitary-ovarian axis; Birth control pill withdrawal and chronic over-masturbation results in deficiency of estrogen and progesterone for excessive inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E2 production, urethral sensation with persistent sexual arousal symptoms, urinary urgency, pelvic pain, low back pain, pelvic cramp, and endometriosis
Getting used to masturbating at 2-3 times a day results in pelvic pains, weak erection, seminal production this order, prostatitis, epididymitis, weak urinary flow, stomach pain, brain frog, eye floaters and inflammation, depression, anxiety, IBS, tiredness, high liver inflammatory enzyme, gastritis, duodenitis, allergy, heart palpitations, penile pain, pancreas pains, hemorrhoid, diarrhea and lose stool.
complete-hysterectomy women's typical problems: no vaginal feeling, vaginal dryness, vaginal looseness, irritable mood, intercourse and pelvic pains
Doctor-prescribed over-masturbation for prostatitis treatment results in  pelvic pain, lower back pain, urinary incontinence, a sore stinging pain in penis, sore testicle, and seminal leakage, and furthermore  norepinephrine/epinephrine/sympathetic nervous plasticity for chronic pains,chronic physiological, psychological and psychiatric disorders, and no more sexual orgasm, but pains.
8-year over-masturbation since age 13 results in sexual exhaustion symptoms such as ear buzzing, laziness, poor memory, depression, unwanted precum/semen discharge, pelvic pains and numbness (infalmmation with poor blood circulation) for no more sexual orgasm at age 21
Chronic over-masturbation /over-ehaculation promotes midelife crisis with sexual exhaustion symptom - chronic fratigue, longer than 7 days refraction (reconvery) time, blurry vision, buzzing ears, eye floaters, dinzziness, memory loss, pelvic pain, sex pain, testicular pains, no morning erection, depression, anxiety, little sperm, penile pain, prostate pain, kidney pain, sundekn dark eye circles.
C-section cuts vagal nerves and produces the common side effects such as headaches, frequency urination, pelvic pain and numbness,sex pain, depression, anxiety,panic attack, thigh numbness, constipation, exccessive sweating and so on.
Chronic (24-year) over-masturbation / over-ejaculation since 13 result in sexual exhaustion symptoms, such as premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, low libido, eye floaters, anxiety, depression, poor concentration, stomach problems / pains, body pains ( hand pain, arm pain, leg pain, groin pain,  recum pain and anal pain.
Chronic over-masturbation / Over-ejaculation with pot smoking and alcohol abuse results in testicle discomfort, pelvic pains, premature ejaculation, penile downward curvature, and feeling a shame of not giving his wife sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation and over-ejaculation singe age 5 results in sex addiction, persistent sexual arousal, weak back, foggy vision, high blood pressure, sickness, ear ringing, blurry vision, low back pain, anal/perineum pains, irritable bowel symptoms, loose stool, graying hairs, penile shrinkage, depression, testicular pain and  no more sexual orgasm - why and solutions!
Taking SSRis for chronic over-masturbation induced panic attack results in more panic attack, premature ejaculation, precum leakage, heart racing, blood in semen, low testosterone, high cortisol, pelvic pain, groin pain, prostate pain, body pains, blurry vision, dizziness, depression, anxiety, and difficult urination.
Over-masturbation with drug abuse resulted in burning sensation in the prostate and pelvic area, prostate inflammatory pain, knee pain and ankle pain; why simply stop masturbation and drug abuse can not naturally heal the inflammatory problems?
causes and solution of constantly thirty and dry mouth and lip, anal and rectal itchiness, frequent urination every 30 minutes, urinary difficulty, weak erection and orgasm, prostate/perineum pinching pain, and frequent midnight wake-up
Excessive sex, over-ejaculation and alcohol abuse results in eye pain, ear buzzing, dizziness, frequent night urination, penile numbness, pelvic pain, penile pain and fibromyalgia for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic excessive orgasm with abuse of a vibrator (since age 18) and water jet (since age 13) killed her orgasm ability, but give her anxiety, stress and pelvic inflammatory pressure (known as Pelvic Anxiety)
10-year over-masturbation results in chronic fatigue, ear buzzing, dark eye circles, excessive sweating, memory loss, penile pain, bipolar mood swing, testicular shrinkage, pelvic sensation fire feeling, pornography addiction, migraines, eye oversensitivity to light, hypersomnia, insomnia, of and off acne outbreak, brain fog, mental paralysis, compulsive obsessive disorder (OCD) and paranoia for no more sexual orgasm
Vibrator abuse against the urethra and vulva from inside and outside vagina results in ADD, Interstitial Cystitis, chronic pelvic pain, constantly urethral burning sensation
Chronic over-masturbation since young, results in anxiety, panic disorder, blurry vision, body pains, eye floaters, dizziness, pelvic pain, unwanted prostatic fluid discharge (precum and semen leakage), depression, premature ejaculation, blood in semen/sperm, prostatitis, excessive cortisol, and testosterone deficiency (testicular castration) for no more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation at 3-4 times a day,  with enhancement of marijuana and alcohol abuse, results in chronic prostatitis, excessive white cells in semen, frequent urination, premature ejaculation, pelvic pain, and low back pain.
Chronic Over-masturbation caused her vulvodynia, the sympathetic nervous inflammation and congestive pains in the vulva,  vagina and pelvic area -solution!
Chronic over-masturbation results in non-bacterial (non-infected)  prostatitis, urinary urgency, weak urine stream, interstitial cystitis (IC), bladder inflammation, pelvic pain, prostate pain, penile pain,  low back pain, tailbone pain, rectal pain,  inflammatory eye pressure, eye itchiness and redness,  dark eye circles, eye oversensitity to light (pupil dilation), insomnia, ear buzzing, headaches, sadness, hair loss and graying,
Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome, urinary urgency and incontinence are the pelvic inflammatory. anxious and panic responses due to excessive stress hormones norepinephrine and epinephrine production with vegal, serotonin, GABA nervous control disorders - solution
Excessive stress hormone norepinephrine induced Inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E2 causes chronic prostatitis, perineum pain, scrotum/testicular pain, Epididymitis and anal pains
Chronic Over-masturbation, Over-ejaculation and excessive sex, with alcohol abuse, results in premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, prostatitis,  prostate enlargement, frequent urination,  over-reactive bladder,  low back pain, testicular pain, abdomen pain, depression, anxiety, blury vision, headaches and memory loss for no sexual orgasm
Tubaligation produces peri-menopause low abdomen and pelvic pains
Chronic over-masturbation and pornographic addiction resulted in premature ejaculation, weak erection, pelvic pain, burred vision, depression, semen leakage, panic attack, penile shrinkage, rectal pains, wet dream, back and waist pain, persistent sexual arousal, sex urgency,  and sleeping disorders.
Using Vibrator a few times in a week results in severe tingling, burning, severe itching, pinning and needling pains in her clitoris and pelvic floor for no more sexual orgasm .
Finateride gives him erectile dysfunction, post-ejaculation prostate and urethral burning sensation, intestinal inflammation, coldness in the genital area, eye redness, blurry vision, pelvic pains, low libido, penile and testicular pains,  ear ringing and watery ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm.
Young men should regulate ejaculation frequency to prevent an internal semen pressure, seminal neurochemical over-excitation and inflammatory effects against the brain and the vegal/sympathetic nerves in the prostate, seminal vesicles and bulbourethral glands
Chronic over-masturbation and few drug abuses with marijuana, LSD, ecstasy, cocaine, harsh and alcohol let him experience panic attacks, strong tension,  anxiety,  cold sweating (sympathetic nervous flight responses), muscular pains, penile shrinkage, blurry vision, buzzing ears, eye floaters, headaches, frequent urination,  memory loss, pelvic pain, testicular pain and numbness,  gastritis, and eczemas no more sexual orgasm.
Sex worker having 2 clients or more per day,  over-masturbation habits, and drug abuse with cocaine, ketamine, ecstasy and alcohol experiences sexual exhaustion symptoms with no libido, sex fear, depression, anxiety, colitis, diarrhea, stomach and pelvic pains, ear ringing. muscle weakness, insecure, nervousness,  body shaking, memory loss, frequent urination, urinary incontinence, and  vaginal discharge for no more sexual orgasm. 
Chronic Over-masturbation up to 3 times daily and pot (marijuana) smoking gives anxiety, depression, panic attacks, constipation, low abdomen/pelvic inflammatory pains, erectiel dysfunction and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm.
3-months use of a vibrator resulted in the low pains pelvic pains, frequent urination, over-sensitive clitoris for no more sexual orgasm.
With sexual exhaustion, heavy-duty exercises induce extra norepinephrine, epinephrine, prolactin, glucagon and cortisol release for producing extra exhaustion effects that amplify his sexual exhaustion symptoms - severe fatigue, spine pain, face tingling and cramp,  muscle cramp, hard to breath, whole body inflammation,  kidney pain, back pain, difficult to walk, weak hip joints and muscles, dark eye circles,  poor blood circulation from the top (brain) to the bottom (testicles, legs and feet), and hypothalamus-pituitary-testicular disorders for androgen deficiency.

Chronic over-masturbation at 5-10 times  a day since her childhood results in persistent sexual arousal, orgasm addiction, blurred vision, eye floaters, memory loss, frequent urination, attention deficiency, stress, over-stretched clitoral hook and labia lips, and inflammatorily hypersensitive vulva and pelvis.
Chronic over-masturbation at twice a day since age 14,  and then practice of over-masturbation without ejaculating with pornography abuse for 2 years since age 23 results in erectile dysfunction, prostate pain, penile pain, premature ejaculation, cold penis and testicles, penile and testicular shrinkage into the body for no more sexual orgasm
Masturbation or sex gives her pelvic inflammatory pain, as a result of excessive stress hormone norepinephrine and epinephrine release, but not endometriosis,  for no more sexual orgasm - solution
chronic over-masturbation since age 13 results in erectile dysfunction, low libido, memory loss, low back pain, pelvic pain, depression, anxiety and premature ejaculation for no more sexual orgasm at age 19
Weakness of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis  with a chronic vibrator use results in neuro-immune disorders (shingle outbreak), bladder infection, frequent urination, intercourse pain, low back pains and swelling, burning sensation, memory loss, mood swing, tiredness, sleeping disorder (insomnia), pelvic pains, kidney pains, bladder pains, and feet welling (water retention)
Her chronic over-masturbation since age 7 results in frequent urination, urethra irritation, over-reactive bladder symptom, anxiety, sharp pubic/pelvic/clitoral pain, irritable bowel syndrome, hair loss, persistent sexual arousal symptom, vaginal discharge and eye floater for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation/Over-ejaculation at 5-7 times a week since 12 results in hair loss, prostate pain, penile pain, low back pain, anxiety, ear buzzing, painfully and weakly frequent urination, penile curvature (damage), memory loss, leg and toe numbness, penile shrinkage, post-ejaculation pain, and erectile dysfunction for no sexual orgasm
PDE-5 inhibitor erectile drug induced 5 hours erection, priapism, resulted in pain in perineum, penile burning sensation, and erection difficulty, impotence, for no more sexual orgasm - solution!
Chronic over-masturbation, drug abuse and smoking result in post-ejaculation blurry vision, pelvic pain, and stomach cramps for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic Over-masturbation results in premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction (going limp),  precum leakage, urethral itching/sensation, penile/groin/leg/prostate inflammatory pains, hair loss, irritation, anxiety, mood swing, loss concentration and absent mindedness for no more sexual orgasm
Couple-week PC Muscle Exercises resulted in weak erection, premature ejaculation, groin pains, and perineum pain.
Chronic over-masturbation results in depress and anxiety; then withdrawal of SSRIs antidepression drugs leads to persistent sexual arousal for over-ejaculation (repetitive ejaculation and persistent orgasm) and premature ejaculation; over-ejaculation gives him prostatitis, buzzing ears, blurry vision, body pain, dizziness, penile over-sensitivity (inflammatory responses), memory loss, pelvic pain, precum flooding, bloody semen (bloody ejaculation) and more depression.
Chronic over-masturbation and having sex since age 12 resulted in sexual exhaustion symptoms with inflammation- whole body muscle pains, headaches, migraine, dizziness, blurry and blue vision, memory loss, frequent urination, pelvic pain, penile pain, testicular pain, precum or semen leakage, depression, hypertension, premature ejaculation, and erectile dysfunction at age 36 for no more sexual orgasm
While over-masturbation with 3 orgasms in 2 hours resulted in clitoral burning sensation and pains, vagina aches and uncomfortable, painful persistent sexual arousal symptom (PSAS), legs pain, and tension headaches for no more sexual orgasm
Causes and solution for shooting pains of hysterectomized women.
Heavy-duty weight lifting can trigger excessive norepinephrine and epinephrine elevation for inflammatory responses for penile leakage and groin pains
Excessive masturbation and over-ejaculation  exhausted his hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, resulting in low abdomen pain when he becomes sexual arousal - why and solution
Chronic use of antidepression drugs gives her clitoral and G-spot erectile and orgasmic dysfunction; then, chronic use of a vibrator results in clitoral nervous damage, inflammatory pains and collagen scarring for no more sexual orgasm
Again, direct prostate massage gave him more prostate and pelvic pain. Solution for the non-bacterial infected prostatitis, pelvic pains and urinary incontinence
why the stop and go method of masturbation gave him pelvic pain and prostate pain for no sexual orgasm
Pot smoking and alcohol result in memory loss, eye floaters, upper abdominal/stomach pains (went to ER twice for MRI, scans, colonoscopy..), vaginal dryness, uterine cramp and pain, post-sex low abdominal (uterine) pain, allergies. sinus, puffy eyes, headaches, forehead tenderness and no more sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation/ over-ejaculation result in sexual exhaustion symptoms - body pain (ribs, legs, groins), blurry vision, buzzing ears, eye floaters, headaches, dizziness, depression, anxiety, post-orgasm aggression and mood swing, hypertension, fatigue, memory loss, excessive weight gains, night sweating, skin irritation, lack of mental clarity and mind focus, hair loss, suicide attempt,  and liver inflammation for no more sexual orgasm
Over-ejaculation, drinking and pot smoking knocked down his good ejaculation control from 3 1/2 hours to 10 minutes or faster, and resulted in low back pains, stomach cramps,  frequent urination, urination urgency, blurry vision and soft erection; jelqing penile enlargement exercises and penile pumping gave him groin pains too.
Solution for PC muscle spasms around the perineum, precum and genital area
Solution for non-organic anal spasm, levator ani syndrome, and tailbone, prostate and pelvic pains
Having daily orgasm 1-4 times per day for the past 15-20 years, results in sexual exhaustion symptoms - testicular/prostate/perineum/leg pains, muscle fatigue, headaches, blurry vision, eye redness, eye dryness, burning eyes, nervousness, high anxiety, panic attack, and frequent urination. for no more sexual orgasm. His headache doctor, neurologist, eye doctor, chiropractor, and acupuncturist could not help these UFO sexual exhasution symptoms
Chronic Over-masturbation gave him sexual exhaustion symptoms - low abdominal and pelvic pains, anxiety, ADD (attention deficit disorder), eye floater, weak erection, urinary difficulty, frequent urination and leg muscle twitching,  and then taking hair regrowth 5-alpha reductase inhibitor drug for ultimate destruction.
Chronic Over-masturbation resulted in IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome), Retroperitoneal Fibrosis, blood in the urine, severe bladder/kidney/prostate/urethral pains, hypertension, blurry vision and persistent sexual arousal (masturbation addition) for no more sexual orgasm
A pornography victim with chronic excessive sex and over-ejaculation during puberty gets cold feet, cold hands, headaches, poor blood circulation, leg soreness (inflammation) and spasm, low abdominal pains, testicular pains, urinary difficulty (prostate or urethral inflammation or bladder nervous control disorders), cloudy urine (semen leakage), chest pains, anxiety, knee or joint pains, joint cracking, and no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbating since childhood resulted in non-organic bladder pain, intercourse pain, vaginismus, Interstitial Cystitis (IC), over-reactive bladde, and urethral pains and burning sensation (non-organic urethritis) - solution
The pelvic nervous stress and/or androgen deficiency can induce inflammatory hormone prostaglandin E2 over-production for non-organic VULVODYNIA, Interstitial Cystitis (IC), Over-reactive bladder, urethral burning sensation, and over-sensitive clitoris- no more sexual orgasm - solution
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in sexual exhaustion symptoms - blurry vision, eye floater, memory loss, frequent urination, urinary incontinence, over-reactive bladder, precum or semen leakage, premature ejaculation, prostate pain, knee pain and low back pain for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation and over-ejaculation with multiple ejaculation in one love session or one day, resulted in sexual exhaustion symptoms, fatigue, restless leg syndrome, neck pain, stiffness, low back pain, pelvic pain, testicle pain, memory loss, sleeping disorder, stress, depression, anxiety, irritability, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and persistent sexual arousal for no more sexual orgasm
Cause and solution for chronic pelvic pain 
Chronic over-masturbation, pot (marijuana) and tobacco smoking resulted in memory loss, pelvic pain, eye floater, dizziness, precum flooding and depression for no more sexual orgasm 
Why vasectomy can give aged men sexual-exhaustion-like symptoms such as prostatitis, ejaculation pain,  blurry vision, eye floater, ear ringing, mental focus loss, anxiety, panic attack and pains in pelvic floor, prostate, perineum, urethra, bladder, low back, legs, feet and joints for no sexual orgasm. 
Causes, Symptoms and Solutions for vulvodynia
Hernia repair surgery resulted in groin soreness, testicular shrinkage, low libido and penile shrinkage for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in premature ejaculation and inflammation in the sinus/nostril, prostate, bulbourethral glands and PC muscles; PC muscles exercises and excessive prostaglandin E2 production cause nervous plasticity of premature ejaculation - solutions.
Tubaligation gives her menstrual pain, PMS, ovulation groin and leg pain (sending her to Emergency Room several times), mood swings, anxiety, severe depression and migraines for peri-menopause symptoms at age 28
Hysterectomy disabled her libido and sexual orgasm; vibrator induced persistent sexual arousal symptoms (PSAS), pelvic congestion, discomfort, low back pain, frequent urination with dripping (urethral inflammation), incontinence, insomnia (serotonin disorder), non-organic urethritis, over-reactive bladder, loss concentration, inflammatory sexual obsession, and pelvic distress for no sexual orgasm 
Chronic over-masturbation, pot smoking, alcohol abuse resulted in severe sexual exhaustion symptoms, blood-vessel and nervous inflammation, varicose veins, prostatitis, pelvic pain, testicular pain, testicular Varicoceles, penile pain, painful urination, and leg pain for no more sexual orgasm.
Causes and Solution for Interstitial Cystitis, Levator Ani Syndrome or pelvic and rectal pains or spasms.
10-year over-masturbation (sometimes 10 times a day!) resulted in eye floater, dizziness, perennial pain, difficulty in passing gas, rectal and perennial tightness for no more sexual orgasm
Effects of SSRIs antidepressants ,  unwanted vaginal discharge, intercourse pain, sleeping disorders, vibrator induced  clitoris/G-spot/Vaginal damage for no sexual orgasm -solution. 
Anal pain, vaginal pain, perineum pain and abdomen pain - the pelvic pains are the symptom of a prolapsed or tipped uterus
PC (Kegel) exercise caused his prostatitis, Interstitial Cystitis (IC), prostate and perineum pain, tailbone (sacrum and coccyx) pain, over-reactive bladder, frequent urination (6-7 times a night) for no more sexual orgasm- solution
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in sexual exhaustion symptoms - depression, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction, chest pain, testicular pains, perineum pain, anal pain, prostate pain, precum leakage, irregular heart beat, short breath, low back pain, feet/hand numbness - no more sexual orgasm ==>
Chronic over-masturbation results in typical sexual exhaustion symptoms for no more sexual orgasm, but Epididymitis, depression, erectile dysfunction, groins pains, fatigue, testicular pain, low back pain and abdominal pain.
What does erection with groins and penile pains means, no more sexual orgasm? the erection is stimulated by excessive prostaglandin E2. why does the urine contain blood?
Chronic over-masturbation from age 10 at 2-4 times daily resulted in sexual exhaustion symptoms: low libido, impotence, premature ejaculation in few pumps, bad vision, fatigue, depression, groin pain, lack of focus and concentration, and penile shrinkage about 2.5 inches for no more sexual orgasm
Chronically over-masturbating since age 13 resulted in chronic groin pains and 2 suicidal attempts for no more sexual orgasm.
causes of bladder/ urethral pains , interstitial cystitis and over stimulated sexual pains; unnecessary hysterectomy resulted in more pains - joint pains, body pains,  fibromyalgia and sexual dysfunction for no more orgasm - why and solution
What cause the post-ejaculation and post-orgasm pains, cramps, tightness, joint rigidity and muscle weakness for no more sexual orgasm

Penile pumping produced penile nervous damage and inflammation, particularly, in the glans, but extensively to groins, legs and hands to handicap him for no more sexual orgasm, but pains and inflammation.
Semen retention causes seminal deposits (semen stones)and ejaculation pains for no sexual orgasm
Over-masturbation for clitoral orgasm at least twice a day resulted in hip and stomach pains - sexual exhaustion induced inflammatory pains
The role of hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis in sexual arousal induced sympathetic nervous fires and inflammatory pains and dizziness or headaches - on the switching effect of cortisol on the epinephrine action on the adrenergic alpha and beta receptors for erectile and orgasm responses
Post-ejaculation sexual exhaustion symptoms: penile pain, testicular pain, testicle pain, low abdominal pain, pubic pain, erectile dysfunction (curved-down erection), dead mind, loss concentration and memory, and blurred or poor vision for no more sexual orgasm - why and solution
Prostatitis; Post-ejaculation pains in the prostate and bladder for premature ejaculation, precum leakage and no sexual orgasm - solution
Chronic over-masturbation up to 12 times a day resulted in inflammatory epididymis, varicose veins (inflammatory veins), pelvic pains, irritation, mood swing, hair loss, impotence, insomnia, and penile shrinkage for no more sex orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation resulted in over-reactive bladder, frequent urination , prostate and urethral irritation,low back pain, and kidney pain - no more Sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation /Over-ejaculation and pot (marijuana) smoking killed his hyopthalamus-pitutray-adrenal and hyopthalamus-pitutray-testicular axis for erectile dysfunction, testicles pains (testicular pains), penile pains, pelvic pains (perineum pains) or IC (Interstitial Cystitis) and low back pains for no more sexual orgasm
Solution for PUDENDAL NEURALGIA, Chronic prostatistis, sacral pain, pelvic pains and Interstitial Cystitis (IC)
Causes and solution for ejaculation/orgasm induced penile, testicular and pelvic pains
Ejaculation can elevate PSA and prostaglandin E2 for 24-48 hours or longer for prostate, urethra lnd pelvic pains - no for sex or sexual orgasm
Excessive sex or orgasm induced pains and irritation in the penis, urethra, testicles, prostate and pelvic area.
ejaculation induced pains in testicles, penis, perineum, rectum, and tail bone, and digestive panic for no sexual orgasm
Chronically over-masturbating since age 12 for sexual exhaustion and hair loss, and then taking Finasteride, 5-alpha reductase inhibitor, resulted in severe semen leakage, penile shrinkage, fatigue, tiredness, impotence, premature ejaculation, urinary difficulty and perineum/prostate pains and cramps for no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbating since age 13 resulted in urethral scalding pains, severe premature ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and low-abdomen/pelvic pains for no sexual orgasm - solution for young men.
Chronic over-masturbating at 3 times a day resulted in urethral tract infection, frequent urination, precum flooding, urinary spreading, and perineum and pelvic pains for no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbating and over-ejaculating resulted in severely sexual exhaustion symptoms with inflammatory pains for no more sexual orgasm
Chronically over-masturbating 2-3 times daily since age 10 resulted in sexual exhaustion symptoms with inflammatory pains in testicles, low back, legs, and groins, with losing concentration and mind  and mood swing for no more sexual orgasm.
Penile jelking/jelquing  (beating) exercises gave him pains in the penis, testicles, low back and groin  for no more sexual orgasm
Persistent sexual arousal symptoms let her masturbate over and over again for shooting pains in the forehead, mood wings, aggressive behavior and inflammatory low abdomen and pelvis for excessive sexual orgasm and sexual exhaustion
Solution for over-masturbation/over-ejaculation induced frequent urination, perineum/testicles /low-abdomen/pelvic/urethra/prostate pains or Interstitial Cystitis (IC),  for restoration more sexual orgasm
What you expect from chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation and drugs abuse (pot and meth)? sexual exhaustion symptoms, testicular/penile/perineum/prostate pains, frequent urination (even the bladder is empty), seminal production disorder, depression, tiredness, instant/premature ejaculation and impotence for no more sexual orgasm
Again and again, why tons of antibiotics, drugs, doctors and high-tech medical toys can not solve your headaches/ prostate/urethral/perineum/leg pains induced by the excessive prostaglandin E-2 release due to deficiency of androgen hormone, as a result of over-masturbation/over-ejaculation for sever heahaches, chronic non-bacterial prostatitis, impotence, frequent urination,  testicles/ pelvic /groins /legs pains - Interstitial Cystitis (IC), depression and no more sexual orgasm.
Again, why tons of antibiotics, drugs, doctors and high-tech medical toys can not solve your prostate/urethral/perineum pains induced by the excessive prostaglandin E-2 release due to deficiency of androgen hormone, as a result of over-masturbation/over-ejaculation for chronic non-bacterial prostatitis, impotence, penile pains, urination and dowel movement burning sensation, , pelvic pains - Interstitial Cystitis (IC), depression and no more sexual orgasm.
Why tons of antibiotics, drugs, doctors and high-tech medical toys can not solve your prostate/urethral/perineum pains induced by the excessive prostaglandin E-2 release due to deficiency of androgen hormone, as a result of over-masturbation/over-ejaculation for chronic non-bacterial prostatitis, impotence, frequent urination, pelvic pains - Interstitial Cystitis (IC), depression and no more sexual orgasm.
Testosterone/DHT deficiency (due to testicular failure) induced non-bacterial prostatitis and pelvic/perineum pains for no more erection
Chronic over-masturbation for 15 years resulted in aching pains in the prostate/perineum area, soft erection, going limp in short time, penile hypersensitivity and premature ejaculation in 1 minutes for no sexual orgasm!
Chronic over-masturbation 2-3 times a day resulted in destruction of the dopamine, acetylcholine, serotonin and GABA nervous system and turned his brain into an over-heated engine for low libido, pelvic pains , testicular burning sensation, erectile dysfunction (going limp), mood swing, sleeping disorder, depression, loss concentration and mind and hot flushes (spinal and brainstem over-heated) for no more sexual orgasm. Girlfriend starts to see other men!
Over-ejaculation caused penile inflammatory pains for no more sexual orgasm . On role of prostaglandin E-2 in your life - the good, the bad and the ugly, and the healing role of prostaglandins E-1/E-3 and Nitric Oxide. The effects of NSAIDs on healing
Typical and common symptoms for the chronic over-masturbators/Over-ejaculators and pots smokers - non-bacterial prostatitis, urinary difficulty, shy bladders, back pains, seminal production disorder and leakage, low libido, erectile dysfunction, urination burning sensation, anal burning pains and spasms, pelvic pains/cramps and bowel constipation for no more sexual orgasm .
Chronic pot smoking and over-masturbation/over-ejaculation causes his non-bacterial prostatistis, pelvic pains, no libidio and impotence for no more sexual orgasm
14-years old boy got post-ejaculation aches and pains for no more sexual orgasm
chronic over-masturbation and medication drugs damaged his liver and nervous systems for elevation of liver enzymes, pelvic/perineum pains, low-back pains, testicles pains, nausea and indigestion for no more sexual orgasm
His doctor's prescription of ejaculating 2-3 times a day resulted in low libido and pains in the pelvic cavity, perineum and tailbone for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation naturally results in blood ejaculation and chronic inflammatory pains and sensation in the pelvis, prostate, penis, testicles,  perineum and tailbone for no sexual orgasm!
Excessive Prostaglandin E-2 causes endometriosis, persistent sexual arousal, pelvic pains, and orgasm pains for no sexual orgasm!
Chronic over-masturbation caused bursitis and rheumatoid arthritis for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation for 1.5 year at 2 or 3 times a day resulted in erectile dysfunction, groins pains, testicular pains, and Epididymis for no more sexual orgasm.
Rough G-spot stimulation triggered excessive prostaglandin E-2 production for pelvic pains, urinary incontinence, out-of-control pelvic floor muscles contraction/spasms, frequent urination , and no more sexual orgasm
Excessive Prostaglandin E-2 in his bloodstream caused doctor's premature ejaculation, body pains and inflammation everywhere, persistent acne, and erectile dysfunction for no more sexual orgasm.
Chronic over-masturbation with one shot of heavy pot smoking resulted in Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder, chronic pelvic pains, ejaculation pains and burning for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic over-masturbation/over-ejaculation (excessive orgasm) resulted in severe pains in one or both testicles, abdomen, lower back and thighs for no more sexual orgasm!
What is the implication of the post-ejaculation (post-orgasm) pains and swelling in the testicles, pelvic cavity, groins and their spreading to the upper and lower body for no more sexual orgasm?
Why tons of antibiotics, drugs, doctors and high-tech medical toys can not solve our prostate/urethral/perineum pains induced by the excessive prostaglandin E-2 release due to deficiency of androgen hormone, as a result of over-masturbation/over-ejaculation, vasectomy, natural ageing, premature ageing, sympathetic nervous fires, perineum blood congestion for no more sexual orgasm - Solution - Dr. Lin's poor man's Prostaglandin E-1/E-3 Therapy with the low-tech vacuum-cupping massage; no more sexual orgasm
Why street drugs gave him yellowish and jell-like semen and strange pelvic pains for no more sexual orgasm.
6-month over-ejaculation at 3-5 times every day resulted in inflammatory pains and aches in the penis, perineum, prostate, pelvis and rectum, difficulty in emptying the bladder, and semen production disorder for no more sexual orgasm.
Enjoying sex 3 times a day with enhancement of pot smoking resulted in his pelvic pains and her orgasm dysfunction - for no more sexual orgasm
Chronic use of a vibrator damages her pelvic nerves for painful sexual orgasm and horrible back pains.
Vibrator causes her urethritis, vulvodynia, urethral and bladder spasm, vaginal and pelvic pains and urinary incontinence for no more sexual orgasm.
Young woman's over-masturbation causes pelvic and clitoral nervous damage - the damage of the 2nd brain and little head - for incontinence, pelvic over-sensitivity, urethritis, over-reactive bladder syndromes, irritable bowel syndromes, and, of course, no more sexual orgasm. 
Causes of Interstitial Cystitis and Chronic Pelvic Pain for no more sexual orgasm.
Orgasm pains in the cervix or uterus - cause and solution
Orgasmic Pain, Vibrator-induced damage and Bioploar condition - for no sexual orgasm
Anti-depressant killed her orgasm and then she used a vibrator to kill the health of her clitoris, urethra, bladder, vagina, cervix, uterus and pelvic nerves for constant clitoral/vulvar pain, urethral irritation and urinary pre-incontinence symptom.
Orgasmic or post-orgasmic pains and cramps, Peri-menopause symptoms and PMS for no more sexual orgasm - Solution!
Solutions for her orgasmic contraction pains and for his over-ejaculation induced burning sensation - restoration of healthy sexual orgasm
An excessive vaginal orgasm causes pains and cramps in low back, groins and perineum - solution for excessive sexual orgasm
Menopause, drug abuse (pot smoking), over-masturbation with a vibrator causes clitoral pains, burning sensation, PMS, and low pelvic cramps for no sexual orgasm !
Uterine retroversion and prolapse for painful intercourse and sexual orgasm (if any, Yes but may have post-orgasmic pains or cramps!)
His and her post-orgasm sexual exhaustion symptoms - sympathetic nervous panic and inflammatory responses, low back pains, low abdomen pains/cramps, perineum inflammatory pains, and so on, for no sexual orgasm - solution 
Vibrator abuse resulted in sexual exhaustion(brain's acetylcholine/serotonin/dopamine nervous disorders), body pains and cramps with Parkison's symptoms for no more sexual orgasm 
Solution for young women's clitoral and urethral pain and restoration of sexual orgasm 
causes and solution for orgasmic pains or cramps in deep vagina and low abdomen - restoration of sexual orgasm without pains or cramps.. 
Why her intensive, multiple orgasms resulted in body aches and muscle tightness - the sexual exhaustion symptoms. 
A deep vaginal cramp is a pre-warning sign of uterine titling or prolapsed due to a lack of prostaglandin E-1 in the nerves of the uterine-support ligaments and tissue; restoration of sexual orgasm without orgasmic pains or cramps
Clitoral pains during sexual arousal no sexual orgasm - why and solution. 
Child molestation and resulted over-masturbation since age 5 with 2-7 times a day gave her persistent sexual arousal, obsessive compulsive masturbation behavior for dizziness, passout, blackout, eye floaters, blurred vision, headaches, back pains, and so on, for no more sexual orgasm.
Her chronic over-masturbation since age 7 results in muscular weakness, leg and hand pain, excessive wrinkles, and looseness for no more sexual orgasm.
pains and cramps in the low abdomen, perineum, anus, tailbone in the middle of the night or early morning or after sex for no more sexual orgasm - solution for women's prolapsed or titling uterus, menopause and menopause symptoms. 
VIP Cream and Finger Pliers method gave her over-erected clitoris, lips and G-spot and excessively multiple sexual orgasms, like having sex with 5 men; on the solution of the pains and cramps induced by an excessive orgasm for women in peri-menopause and menopause and with a prolapsed or titled uterus.
He said 'My wife and I are so impressed with your Viagroth M supplements that we thought we would ask you about our son. ' on what are the natural remedies for autoimmune and inflammatory diseases? the Natural Prostaglandin E-1 and E-3 therapy!
She said 'I bought the moodmax, dopafibra, and via growth III and the vip cream about a year ago. I was on the dosage of one tablet of each per day. I didn't use it full time. I noticed improvments when I was using it' for clitoral pains/shrinkage, abdomen pains/cramps, inner leg nervous pains, and restoration of sexual orgasm
She said ' i am glad to notify you that it's unbeleavable how i have managed to get almost all my problems of now', no more depression, hypertension, painful periods due to fibroids, migraine headache, vaginal muscle weakness, urinary sensation reaction, nausea, chronic sinuses, painful nipples, and low libido, but for sexual orgasm; on the pineal gland gene expression disorder.

Any love problems, Ask the black-belt Sexual ChiKong(KungFu) Master, Dr. Lin. FREE! 
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Copyright (C) since 1997 Newman K. Lin, Ph.D., PE., All rights reserved.